Lung meridian
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Lung meridian
[Shou Taiyin Feijing / orbis pulmonalis]

Meridian pathway

The inner pathway of the Lung Meridian originates in the Middle Burner in the region of the solar plexus. It runs downwards to the transverse colon. Returning upwards to the stomach, it passes through the diaphragm and penetrates the lung. From there it goes up along the trachea and then diagonally downwards towards the outer shoulder, where it surfaces under the clavicle in point LU1.

From LU1 the Meridian continues along the medial border of the anterior part of the deltoid muscle (musculus deltoideus) and along the lateral side of the brachioradialis muscle (biceps brachii), into the elbow crease (LU5).

In the lower arm the Lung Meridian runs along the brachioradialis muscle to the styloid process of the radius (processus styloideus radii) (LU7). It then follows the radial border of the radial artery (arteria radialis) to the wrist (LU9), proceeds over the ball of the thumb to the radial side of the thumb. Ending at the radial side of the thumbnail, near the radial base of the nail (LU11).

From LU7 a side pathway of the meridian branches off over the back (dorsa) of the hand, over the radial side of the index-finger to the fingertip, where it connects to the Large Intestine Meridian in the point LI1.


Many of the uses of the Lung Meridian are directly related to its pathway and the functions of the lungs: 

  • treats rebellious Lung-Qi, which manifests through breathing difficulties such as a cough, breathlessness, sneezing or asthma;
  • restores the distributive function of the lung(s), when it has been affected by an external pathogen, that has penetrated through the surface energy layer of the body (Tai Yang);
  • treats nasal discomforts, as well as nose-bleeding or a blocked nose;
  • treats pharyngeal ailments such as dryness, inflammation, blockages, swelling and pains;
  • treats oedemas and urinary retention, when caused by an interference of the Lung function to regulate the water passages and to control the distribution and descent of Qi; and
  • treats vomiting due to rebellious Stomach Qi.

The most frequent indications for use of the Lung Meridian are: illnesses of the respiratory organs; ailments of the throat, pharynx, nose and skin; as well as pain along the meridian pathway, such as tennis elbow or shoulder arm syndrome/shoulder impingement syndrome.

Psychological Indications according to Masunaga

According to Masunaga the psychological indications of the Lung Meridian can be derived from the functions of the Lung(s), which is to build resistance against external influences and to expel what is not necessary, the superfluous. 

Symptoms of the Kyo condition are: a propensity to mental collapse, pronounced anxiety, lack of endurance, an antisocial attitude and palpitations.

Symptoms of the Jitsu condition are: a propensity to rapid mounting anger over trifles, linked to the inability to let go, and the tendency to struggle for air, as well as to sigh whilst breathing.

Special points for the lung and Lung meridian

Transporting point (Shu) BL13
Alarm point (Mu) LU1
Source point (Yuan) LU9
Connecting point (Luo) LU7
Accumulation/Cleft point (Xi) LU6
Tonifying point LU9
Sedating point LU5
Gathering point (Mai Hui) for circulation issues and pulse LU9
Opening point (Bamaijiaohui) of the Conception Vessel (Ren Mai) LU7

Antique Points / Five Shu Points

Jing 1 (Jing/Well point) LU11
Jing 2 (Ying/Spring point) LU10
Jing 3 (Shu/Stream point) LU9
Jing 4 (Jing/River point) LU8
Jing 5 (He/Sea point) LU5

Wood point

Fire point LU10
Earth point LU9
Metal point LU8
Water point LU5

Key treatment points

LU1 for the lungs
LU7 for the lungs and neck

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