Large Intestine Meridian
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Large Intestine Meridian
[Shou Yangming Dachangjing / orbis intestini crassi]

Meridian pathway

The Large Intestine Meridian originates at the radial nail groove of the index finger. It runs along the radial side of the index finger, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal. It travels over the wrist (LI5) and along the radial side of the forearm, to the lateral end of the elbow crease (LI11).

The Large Intestine Meridian continues along the radial side of the upper arm, between the anterior and mid-section of the deltoid muscle to the shoulder.

From there it flows behind the clavicle, over the shoulder (LI16) and up the lateral neck region. First running to the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, then between its two muscle bulges and a small depression in front of the angle of the jaw. Going next to the cheek and on to the corner of the mouth.

Under the nose the Large Intestine Meridians cross each other in the point GV26, ending next to the nostril of the opposite side of the body in point LI20.

From LI15 the Large Intestine Meridian runs in its inner pathway, over SI12 to the 7th cervical vertebra (GV14), then to ST12. It then runs as an inner pathway below the collarbone, through the lung and large intestine. From there it goes to the lower He-point of the Large Intestine Meridian at the lateral lower leg (ST37).


Many of the uses of the Large Intestine Meridian are directly related with its pathway and the functions of the Large Intestine organ/the colon;

  • treats ailments in the meridian pathway in the head region and therefore in the face, cheeks, forehead, eyes, nose, lips, gums and teeth,
  • treats ailments of the ears,
  • expels Wind, Cold and Heat from the superficial energy layer of the body (Tai Yang),
  • clears Heat from all areas through which the Meridian passes, especially in the area of the head and
  • supports the Lungs in their function to regulate the waterways.

Common indications for use of the Large Intestine Meridian are: respiratory and skin diseases; the expulsion of pathogenic influences from the superficial energy layer of the body (Tai Yang).

In addition the Large Intestine Meridian is used to treat ailments along the Meridian pathway, especially in the area of the face.

Psychological Indications according to Masunaga

According to Masunaga the psychological indications of the Large Intestine Meridian, are derived from the function of the colon to support the Lungs:  to remove Qi blockages; as well as to eliminate Qi both internally and externally.

Symptoms of the Kyo condition: are indecisiveness; a tendency to be disappointed; great dependency; and a lack of positive thinking.

Symptoms of the Jitsu condition are: permanent dissatisfaction; and no friends with whom you can talk about everything.

Special points for Large Intestine and Large Intestine Meridian 

Back transmission point (Shu) BL25
Alarm point (Mu) ST25
Source point (Yuan) LI4
Connecting point (Luo) LI6
Accumulation/Cleft point (Xi) LI7
Tonifying point LI11
Sedating point LI2

Antique points

Jing 1 (Jing/Well point) LI1
Jing 2 (Ying/Spring point) LI2
Jing 3 (Shu/Stream Point) LI3
Jing 4 (Jing/River point) LI5
Jing 5 (He/Sea point) LI11

Wood point LI3
Fire point LI5
Earth point LI11
Metal point LI1
Water point LI2

Lower He Sea point


Key treatment points

LI2 for the teeth
LI4 for head, face and nose and sensory organs, as well as hoarsness, headaches, lockjaw, congested nose and fever
LI11 for the shoulder and itching skin
LI20 for the nose and congested nose

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